Courier Luggage is committed to socially responsible sourcing. All our suppliers are required to undergo yearly ethical Audits by accredited 3rd party audit agencies. These audit results are available to be reviewed with our key trading partners. These Audits ensure workers are treated fairly and are safe from harm.
The Audit framework supports the following core labour rights:
Courier Luggage is committed to sourcing paper products from sustainable forests, meaning they are carefully managed and replaced as they are felled. All our paper and wood products bear the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo, and are certified to FSC standards.
We continually review and improve our processes and ethical sourcing standards in conjunction with our suppliers and government representatives to ensure better working conditions in the communities of our select manufacturers.
Courier Luggage maintains the highest standards of integrity in accordance with all applicable laws, and only work with supplier partners/manufacturers who share our high standards of conduct.
Courier Luggage’s ESC is based on our commitment to respecting the core labour standards established by the International Labour Organization (ILO), protecting and respecting human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and promoting environmental sustainability.